Java SE 20 language spec outline (pt3)

The Meaning of Type Names sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Simple Type Names, Qualified Type Names. The Meaning of Expression Names sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Simple Expression Names, Qualified Expression Names. The Meaning of Method Names sub-section has the following sub-sub-section: Simple Method Names. The Access Control section has the following sub-sections: Determining Accessibility, Details on protected Access. The Details on protected Access sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Access to a protected Member, Access to a protected Constructor.

(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)

The Packages and Modules chapter has the following key sections. Package Members, Host Support for Modules and Packages, Compilation Units, Package Declarations, Import Declarations, Top Level Class and Interface Declarations, Module Declarations. The Package Declarations sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Named Packages, Unnamed Packages, Package Observability and Visibility. The Import Declarations sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Single-Type-Import Declarations, Type-Import-on-Demand Declarations, Single-Static-Import Declarations, Static-Import-on-Demand Declarations. The Module Declarations sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Dependences, Exported and Opened Packages, Service Consumption, Service Provision, Unnamed Modules, Observability of a Module.

The Classes chapter has the following key sections. Class Declarations, Class Members, Field Declarations, Method Declarations, Member Class and Interface Declarations, Instance Initializers, Static Initializers, Constructor Declarations, Enum Classes, Record Classes. The Class Declarations section has the following sub-sections: Class Modifiers, Generic Classes and Type Parameters, Inner Classes and Enclosing Instances, Superclasses and Subclasses, Superinterfaces, Permitted Direct Subclasses, Class Body and Member Declarations. The Class Modifiers sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: abstract Classes, sealed, non-sealed, and final Classes, strictfp Classes, static Classes. The Field Declarations section has the following sub-sections: Field Modifiers, Field Initialization, Restrictions on Field References in Initializers. The Field Modifiers sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: static Fields, final Fields, transient Fields, volatile Fields. The Method Declarations section has the following sub-sections: Formal Parameters, Method Signature, Method Modifiers, Generic Methods, Method Result, Method Throws, Method Body, Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding, Overloading.

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The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.