France has problems: low birth rate, social unrest (Unified Humanity Science)

France is falling apart, according to the American media in AD 2023; one headline reads, ‘Paris is burning’, the typical American media sensationalism for gaining views, I suppose.

In my Unified Humanity Science, I’ll find out how France functions as a nation at the French human-body subsystematic, organic, tissular, cellular, subcellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels.

It’s repeatedly said by many that France has a serious problem: Emmanual Macron knows it, and every other French person probably knows it too. The birth rate and population size of the ethnic French is declining; there’s a significant French national economic problem and challenge associated with the native French population decline, and there is no end and relief in sight.

(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)

It’s been reported by the American media numerous times that the Muslim immigrants in France have caused serious social isssues in France, in the past 10 to 15 years or so; some Muslim immigrants in France have committed mass-murders because of the religious expressions on Islam by the French; it was reported on the American media that the French government banned wearing burka, because wearing burka wasn’t acceptable in the French society. Searching “number of Muslims in France” on the Internet gives, “Muslims represented 10% of the French population in 2019”, which to me clearly is an immensely significant proportion.

I scientifically study everything in and of humanity; I’ll eventually scientifically study and QMASP (Quantify, Model, Analyze, Simulate, and Predict) every nation and people in the world; I’ll scientifically find out, theorize, human-body biomathematize, document, biotechnologically experimentally verify, and publish how the human body functions to create all the different human behaviors at the human-body subsystematic, organic, tissular, cellular, subcellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels. I’ll apply my scientific studies on humanity and the human body to developing and commercializing my AI and robotics technologies, and biotechnologies.

How does the modern France function in the human psychological and biophysical dimensions? I’ll scientifically find out, and scientifically publish my findings.

The biggest driving force in humanity has been industrialization for quite some time. Industrialization enabled the Western global expansion, dominance, and leadership; industrialization forced the non-Western parts of humanity to Westernize.

As I talked about in another publication, the birth rate and size of the native population in every industrialized nation is declining and shrinking. Only the least-industrialized and non-industrialized nations in the world have increasing native population, which are in Africa and the Middle East.

The current population of the entire humanity is about eight billion people, which is projected to increase to 10.5 billion people by AD 2100, and all the human population increase is projected to come from the least and non industrialized parts of humanity, whereas the most industrialized places in the world will have native population shrinkage.

Nobody knows for sure what France will be like in about 80 years. The human world is getting more economically competitive, the human-caused air and land and water pollutions on Earth are increasing, and Earth at some point in the future will run out of all the vital resources such as petroleum, iron ores, precious metals, drinking water, and clean air.

In this theater of humanity in the 21st century with the worsening human conditions due to the immensely large human population, and constant human exploitation of Earth, France stands with 67.75 million people in France or 0.85% of the entire humanity. France is less than 1% of the entire humanity in terms of its population; France’s GDP in AD 2022 was US$2.63 trillion, 2.53% of the US$103.86 trillion world GDP in AD 2022, so France is definitely well above the world average in terms of its economic prowess and power; a French person on average produces more than three times the world-average economic value produced per person.

In AD 1900, about 120 years ago, at the height of the Western global expansion, conquest, and imperialism, the world had about 2 billion people, Europe had 290 million people, and the United States had 76.3 million people; in AD 1900, the populations of Europe and the United States were 18.3% of the world human population; in AD 1900, the British Empire ruled about 400 million people, about a quarter of the entire human world at the time.

In AD 2023, now, the world has about 8 billion people, Europe has 750 million people, and the United States has 335 million people; in AD 2023, the populations of Europe and the United States are 13.56% of the world human population.

Considering that now a significant portion of the European and American populations are not European descents and are immigrants from outside of Europe, clearly, the Caucasian or White European and American populations share of the global human population has been reduced or declined; in other words, the non-industrialized nations and peoples produced more babies than the industrialized nations and peoples in the past 120 years or so. The on-going industrialization in the past 120 years or so has reduced the birth rates in the industrialized nations due to birth control methods, clinical abortion, higher education especially of women, and rising costs of raising children. A side effect of industrialization is birth rate decline or reduction, because industrialization makes human procreation and child rearing more expensive due to heightened economic competition and rising costs of child rearing.

I’m absolutely certain that AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, human female and male fertility duration lengthening biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactors powered outer space tech will save humanity, and solve so many existing problems of humanity while creating new human problems. I’m certain that human longevity biotech, human female and male fertility duration lengthening biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactors powered mass-scale outer space humanity expansion technologies will enable people to procreate far more and longer, especially in outer space, and sometime in the future, humanity’s total population in the Solar System will surpass 100 billion across multiple planets and mass-scale outer space human habitats.

What will France look like in the future with far more advanced popular technologies? What the French people using AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, human female and male fertility duration lengthening biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactors powered outer space tech will look like? What kinds of outer space colonies will France have? I don’t know the exact answer for sure; but my gut feeling is that it’s going to be a fabulous one.

You can invest in my startup company with as little as US$100, for supporting advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. Visit to invest in my startup.

My books on advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech are available at, Amazon, Apple Books, Spotify, Google Play Store, and other online audiobook retailers.

I am Allen Young; I’m an Asian-American man who focuses on advancing AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech.

Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.