Java SE 20 language spec outline (pt7)

The Run-Time Evaluation of Method Invocation sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Compute Target Reference (If Necessary), Evaluate Arguments, Check Accessibility of Type and Method, Locate Method to Invoke, Create Frame, Synchronize, Transfer Control. The Method Reference Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Compile-Time Declaration of a Method Reference, Type of a Method Reference, Run-Time Evaluation of Method References.(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)The Postfix Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Expression Names, Postfix Increment Operator ++, Postfix Decrement Operator –. The Unary Operators section has the following sub-sections: Prefix Increment Operator ++, Prefix Decrement Operator –, Unary Plus Operator +, Unary Minus Operator -, Bitwise Complement Operator ~, Logical Complement Operator !. The Multiplicative Operators section has the following sub-sections: Multiplication Operator *, Division Operator /, Remainder Operator %. The Additive Operators section has the following sub-sections: String Concatenation Operator +, Additive Operators (+ and -) for Numeric Types. The Relational Operators section has the following sub-sections: Numerical Comparison Operators <, <=, >, and >=, The instanceof Operator. The Equality Operators section has the following sub-sections: Numerical Equality Operators == and !=, Boolean Equality Operators == and !=, Reference Equality Operators == and !=. The Bitwise and Logical Operators section has the following sub-sections: Integer Bitwise Operators &, ^, and |, Boolean Logical Operators &, ^, and |. The Conditional Operator ? : section has the following sub-sections: Boolean Conditional Expressions, Numeric Conditional Expressions, Reference Conditional Expressions. The Assignment Operators section has the following sub-sections: Simple Assignment Operator =, Compound Assignment Operators. The Lambda Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Lambda Parameters, Lambda Body, Type of a Lambda Expression, Run-Time Evaluation of Lambda Expressions. The switch Expressions section has the following sub-sections: The Switch Block of a switch Expression, Run-Time Evaluation of switch Expressions.The Definite Assignment chapter has the following key sections. Definite Assignment and Expressions, Definite Assignment and Statements, Definite Assignment and Parameters, Definite Assignment and Array Initializers, Definite Assignment and Enum Constants, Definite Assignment and Anonymous Classes, Definite Assignment and Member Classes and Interfaces, Definite Assignment and Static Initializers, Definite Assignment, Constructors, and Instance Initializers. The Definite Assignment and Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Boolean Constant Expressions, Conditional-And Operator &&, Conditional-Or Operator ||, Logical Complement Operator !, Conditional Operator ? :, switch Expressions, Other Expressions of Type boolean, Assignment Expressions, Operators ++ and –, Other Expressions.

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Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.