Psychological deficiencies driving human thoughts and behaviors (Unified Humanity Science)

Many people are driven by what they couldn’t and didn’t have while growing up.In other words, many people are driven by their childhood psychological deficiencies.Unintelligent people let their childhood psychological deficiencies and insecurities run and ruin their lives; intelligent people let their careful calculation, analysis, and planning run and prosper their lives.Many, if not most, people are irrational creatures and are driven by their emotions and impulses and base desires, not by rational thinking, analysis and conclusions.(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)Many, if not most, people do not rationally and scientifically analyze the consequences of their desires and actions before making their decisions and actions.Many, if not most, people have enormous regrets in their lives, because they don’t think enough and they don’t accept the truths as they are; for example, many, if not most, people don’t think ahead before making decisions and taking actions, hence end up regretting their decisions and actions.Many, if not most people are driven by their base desires, not by rational thinking and logical analysis that consider potential outcomes and consequences before making decisions and taking actions.Some people’s behaviors are driven by their psychological deficiencies. For example, even though validation-seeking behaviors can be harmful and even detrimental to one’s well-being, an unpopular kid in school grows up to seek validation from others, because he or she wanted to feel popular and be wanted by others while growing up, but couldn’t be.How does one’s childhood experiences and memories dictate one’s adulthood decisions and actions? In my Unified Humanity Science, I’ll find out the exact causes and consequences of the human-brain memory based human behaviors, along with human-genes based human behaviors.

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I am Allen Young; I’m an Asian-American man who focuses on advancing AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech.

Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.