Java SE 20 language spec outline (pt5)

The Annotations section has the following sub-sections: Normal Annotations, Marker Annotations, Single-Element Annotations, Where Annotations May Appear, Multiple Annotations of the Same Interface.The Arrays chapter has the following key sections. Array Types, Array Variables, Array Creation, Array Access, Array Store Exception, Array Initializers, Array Members, Class Objects for Arrays, An Array of Characters Is Not a String.(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)The Exceptions chapter has the following key sections. The Kinds and Causes of Exceptions, Compile-Time Checking of Exceptions, Run-Time Handling of an Exception. The Kinds and Causes of Exceptions section has the following sub-sections: The Kinds of Exceptions, The Causes of Exceptions, Asynchronous Exceptions. The Compile-Time Checking of Exceptions section has the following sub-sections: Exception Analysis of Expressions, Exception Analysis of Statements, Exception Checking.The Blocks, Statements, and Patterns chapter has the following key sections. Normal and Abrupt Completion of Statements, Blocks, Local Class and Interface Declarations, Local Variable Declarations, Statements, The Empty Statement, Labeled Statements, Expression Statements, The if Statement, The assert Statement, The switch Statement, The while Statement, The do Statement, The for Statement, The break Statement, The continue Statement, The return Statement, The throw Statement, The synchronized Statement, The try statement, The yield Statement, Unreachable Statements, Patterns. The Local Variable Declarations section has the following sub-sections: Local Variable Declarators and Types, Local Variable Declaration Statements. The if Statement section has the following sub-sections: The if-then Statement, The if-then-else Statement. The switch Statement section has the following sub-sections: Switch Blocks, The Switch Block of a switch Statement, Execution of a switch Statement. The while section has the following sub-sections: Abrupt Completion of while Statement. The do Statement section has the following sub-sections: Abrupt Completion of do Statement. The for Statement section has the following sub-sections: The basic for Statement, The enhanced for statement. The basic for Statement sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Initialization of for Statement, Iteration of for Statement, Abrupt Completion of for Statement. The try statement section has the following sub-sections: Execution of try-catch, Execution of try-finally and try-catch-finally, try-with-resources.

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Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.