Java SE 20 language spec outline (pt6)
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The try-with-resources sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Basic try-with-resources, Extended try-with-resources. The Patterns section has the following sub-sections: Kinds of Patterns, Pattern Matching.The Expressions chapter has the following key sections. Evaluation, Denotation, and Result, Forms of Expressions, Type of an Expression, Floating-point Expressions, Expressions and Run-Time Checks, Normal and Abrupt Completion of Evaluation, Evaluation Order, Primary Expressions, Class Instance Creation Expressions,(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)Array Creation and Access Expressions, Field Access Expressions, Method Invocation Expressions, Method Reference Expressions, Postfix Expressions, Unary Operators, Cast Expressions, Multiplicative Operators, Additive Operators, Shift Operators, Relational Operators, Equality Operators, Bitwise and Logical Operators, Conditional-And Operator &&, Conditional-Or Operator ||, Conditional Operator ? :, Assignment Operators, Lambda Expressions, switch Expressions, Constant Expressions. The Evaluation Order section has the following sub-sections: Evaluate Left-Hand Operand First, Evaluate Operands before Operation, Evaluation Respects Parentheses and Precedence, Argument Lists are Evaluated Left-to-Right, Evaluation Order for Other Expressions. The Primary Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Lexical Literals, Class Literals, this, Qualified this, Parenthesized Expressions. The Class Instance Creation Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Determining the Class being Instantiated, Determining Enclosing Instances, Choosing the Constructor and its Arguments, Run-Time Evaluation of Class Instance Creation Expressions, Anonymous Class Declarations. The Anonymous Class Declarations sub-section has the following sub-sub-section: Anonymous Constructors. The Array Creation and Access Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Array Creation Expressions, Run-Time Evaluation of Array Creation Expressions, Array Access Expressions, Run-Time Evaluation of Array Access Expressions. The Field Access Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Field Access Using a Primary, Accessing Superclass Members using super. The Method Invocation Expressions section has the following sub-sections: Compile-Time Step 1: Determine Type to Search, Compile-Time Step 2: Determine Method Signature, Compile-Time Step 3: Is the Chosen Method Appropriate?, Run-Time Evaluation of Method Invocation. The Compile-Time Step 2: Determine Method Signature sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Identify Potentially Applicable Methods, Phase 1: Identify Matching Arity Methods Applicable by Strict Invocation, Phase 2: Identify Matching Arity Methods Applicable by Loose Invocation, Phase 3: Identify Methods Applicable by Variable Arity Invocation, Choosing the Most Specific Method, Method Invocation Type.
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