Humans are disgusting, ferocious, cunning, vicious, and strong—so are other primates

Humans are disgusting, ferocious, cunning, vicious, and strong! The more I scientifically study humans, the more I realize how unsavory, distasteful, self-serving, and selfish the human beings are! Humans destroy everything and stop at nothing for benefiting themselves!

Humans had to be strong and capable in order to survive and thrive in the extremely hostile environments they emerged in.

Today’s humans underestimate how hostile the environment that the human species emerged and survived and thrived in was.

(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)

Human life was short and brutal, death was always extremely close in time and space, and if you didn’t think and act fast, it meant quick and painful and tragic death. The humans that survived and procreated and prospered had to be stronger than their environments and beat their environments.

When I look at the photos and videos of the nonhuman primates—such as monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans—I cannot help but realize how disgusting, ferocious, cunning, vicious, and strong these nonhuman primates are; and then I look at the humans, and I cannot help but realize that humans are the worst among all the primate species and among all the lifeforms; humans destroy other lifeforms, and ravage their planet, at an unparalled and unmatched scale, in order to feed their insatiable desire and ego for their species’ continuting growth and expansion.

For whatever reason, humans have this grossly mistaken, dishonest notion about themselves of being a benign and graceful and kind and gentle and civilized creatures, but nothing could be further from the truth: humans are disgusting, ferocious, cunning, vicious, strong, and incredibly dominant and oppressive and overbearing savage species that is designed to collectively overpower and overlord all the other species. Because of humans, now there is a mass extinction of nonhuman species going on on Earth; humans stop at nothing when it comes to benefiting themselves as a collective species.

I cannot help but be human: I cannot help but actively pursue furthering the growth, expansion, and diversification of the human species. To me, nothing but the continuing growth and expansion and diversification of the human species matters.

I advance AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactors powered outer space tech, in order to enable humanity to grow and expand and diversify much more, astronomically more, not just on Earth but much more importantly in outer space in massive numbers.

I firmly believe that humanity will continue to grow and expand and diversify, beyond Earth, across the Solar System at first through developing and commercializing and using artificial nuclear-fusion reactors powered mass scale outer space humanity expansion technologies, then eventually expand across the entire Universe through developing and commercializing and using interstellar and intergalactic mass-scale outer space humanity expansion technologies.

I’ll keep on doing my job in enabling humanity to continue its unbridled growth and expansion and diversification: I’ll continue advancing the science, technology, and capitalism of AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion reactors powered outer space tech—to enable humanity to grow and expand and diversify far more, on Earth and in outer space.

You can invest in my startup company with as little as US$100, for supporting advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. Visit to invest in my startup.

My books on advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech are available at, Amazon, Apple Books, Spotify, Google Play Store, and other online audiobook retailers.

I am Allen Young; I’m an Asian-American man who focuses on advancing AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech.

Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.