Industrialization of entire humanity (AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech)

I don’t think industrialization will ever stop.

The trend has been the increasing adoption of industrialization, and I think eventually the whole of humanity will eventually industrialize, and AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech will play tremendously vital roles in the future industrialization of humanity, on Earth and in outer space.

Nuclear-fusion tech in particular will provide unlimited clean energy to humanity on Earth and in outer space, provide the necessary energy for removing all the air and land and water pollutions, and enable mass-scale outer space humanity expansion.

A quick advertisement before I continue on this topic. You can invest in my startup company with as little as US$100, for supporting advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. Visit to invest in my startup.

I’ve a multidecadal commitment to advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. To learn more about my cause, check out my books, which are available at, Amazon, Apple Books, Spotify, and other online audiobook retailers. Now, back to the main content.

I look forward to humanity producing hundreds of billions of nuclear-fusion reactor propelled interplanetary spaceships, and trillions of outer-space robots across the Solar System to enable mass-scale outer space humanity expansion.

I’m absolutely certain that the advances in human genetic engineering biotech will enable humans to have vastly superior human intelligence in the future via human genetic engineering, that will enable humans to produce and consume vastly more quantities and varieties of goods and services.

I’m absolutely certain that humanity’s future is far more industrialization, on Earth and in outer space.

As I scientifically model in my Unified Humanity Science, humans are external environment transforming biophysical systems. As time passes, humans transform their external environments more and more to suit their wants and needs.

Industrialization is the key to transforming the environments to suit the human needs and wants at a vast scale.

There must be far more industrialization; there must be astronomical amounts and breadths of industrialization, to further transform the Earth and outer-space environments to suit the human needs and wants even more.

There must be vastly more industrialization on Earth, and there must be astronomical industrialization across the entire Solar System and beyond!

Humanity’s destiny is the total and complete industrialization of the entire Universe! I’ve no doubt about that.

I’ll keep working on advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech, so that humanity will saturate the entire Universe via Earth and outer-space industrialization.

You can invest in my startup company with as little as US$100, for supporting advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. Visit to invest in my startup.

My books on advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech are available at, Amazon, Apple Books, Spotify, Google Play Store, and other online audiobook retailers.

I am Allen Young; I’m an Asian-American man who focuses on advancing AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech.

Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.