Economic change via AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech

As a planetary physical process, humanity is nothing more than a network that is designed to procure and use energy, and consume resources.

The trend is that the most advanced parts of humanity constantly develop new technologies to consume ever-increasing amounts of energy and materials.

While nobody can accurately predict what the future energy and materials consumption pattern of humanity will be, my focus is on adding AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech to the human economy.

So, I often think about how AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech will transform the human economy.

A quick advertisement before I continue on this topic. You can invest in my startup company with as little as US$100, for supporting advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. Visit to invest in my startup.

I’ve a multidecadal commitment to advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. To learn more about my cause, check out my books, which are available at, Amazon, Apple Books, Spotify, and other online audiobook retailers. Now, back to the main content.

Is producing and consuming more all that humans do ultimately? Sadly, yes. Humans are no more than external environment transforming biophysical machines.

Humans cannot help but produce and consume more over time.

In my view, AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech will be no more than technological tools that enable humans to transform their external environments more, and produce and consume more, on Earth and in outer space. Some human emotions will be associated to that, but the physical end, as always, will be no more than some neurochemicals and electrical signals in the human brains, and external environment transforms by humans.

AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech will enable and even force humans to produce and consume more; I just don’t see any other possibility in humanity’s future.

Change is absolutely inevitable and necessary in building more wealth.

In order to create, have, and consume more wealth, one must think and behave in different ways, and create and use different tools.

Whether humans like change or not, humans actively pursue change by pursuing more wealth.

As future technologies come about, humanity will change yet again. My bet is that the next big round of change will be driven by AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion tech; I’ll keep pursuing my interests in those technologies, and see what happens.

You can invest in my startup company with as little as US$100, for supporting advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech. Visit to invest in my startup.

My books on advancing AI, robotics, biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech are available at, Amazon, Apple Books, Spotify, Google Play Store, and other online audiobook retailers.

I am Allen Young; I’m an Asian-American man who focuses on advancing AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech.

Allen Young

The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.