Some notes on writing a Java software program (pt6)
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When multi-line strings are desired, a text block is usually more readable than a concatenation of string literals.At run time, a text block is a reference to an instance of class String that denotes the string represented by the text block.Text blocks can be used wherever an expression of type String is allowed, such as in string concatenation, in the invocation of methods on instances of String, and in annotations with String elements.(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)In character literals, string literals, and text blocks, the escape sequences allow for the representation of some nongraphic characters without using Unicode escapes, as well as the single quote, double quote, and backslash characters.The line continuation escape sequence can appear in a text block, but cannot appear in a character literal or a string literal because each disallows a LineTerminator.The null type has one value, the null reference, represented by the null literal null, which is formed from ASCII characters.A null literal is always of the null type.Twelve tokens, formed from ASCII characters, are the separators (punctuators). ( ) { } [ ] ; , . … @ ::38 tokens, formed from ASCII characters, are the operators.Types, values, and variables.THE Java programming language is a statically typed language, which means that every variable and every expression has a type that is known at compile time.The Java programming language is also a strongly typed language, because types limit the values that a variable can hold or that an expression can produce, limit the operations supported on those values, and determine the meaning of the operations. Strong static typing helps detect errors at compile time.The types of the Java programming language are divided into two kinds: primitive types and reference types. The primitive types are the boolean type and the numeric types. The numeric types are the integral types byte, short, int, long, and char, and the floating-point types float and double. The reference types are class types, interface types, and array types. There is also a special null type. An object is a dynamically created instance of a class type or a dynamically created array. The values of a reference type are references to objects. All objects, including arrays, support the methods of class Object. String literals are represented by String objects.
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I am Allen Young; I’m an Asian-American man who focuses on advancing AI, robotics, human longevity biotech, and nuclear-fusion powered outer space tech.