Java SE 20 language spec outline (pt8)

The Definite Assignment and Statements section has the following sub-sections: Empty Statements, Blocks, Local Class and Interface Declarations, Local Variable Declaration Statements, Labeled Statements, Expression Statements, if Statements, assert Statements, switch Statements, while Statements, do Statements, for Statements, break, yield, continue, return, and throw Statements, synchronized Statements, try Statements. The for Statements sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Initialization Part of for Statement, Incrementation Part of for Statement.(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)The Threads and Locks chapter has the following key sections. Synchronization, Wait Sets and Notification, Sleep and Yield, Memory Model, final Field Semantics, Word Tearing, Non-Atomic Treatment of double and long. The Wait Sets and Notification section has the following sub-sections: Wait, Notification, Interruptions, Interactions of Waits, Notification, and Interruption. The Memory Model section has the following sub-sections: Shared Variables, Actions, Programs and Program Order, Synchronization Order, Happens-before Order, Executions, Well-Formed Executions, Executions and Causality Requirements, Observable Behavior and Nonterminating Executions. The final Field Semantics section has the following sub-sections: Semantics of final Fields, Reading final Fields During Construction, Subsequent Modification of final Fields, Write-Protected Fields.The Type Inference chapter has the following key sections. Concepts and Notation, Reduction, Incorporation, Resolution, Uses of Inference. The Concepts and Notation section has the following sub-sections: Inference Variables, Constraint Formulas, Bounds. The Reduction section has the following sub-sections: Expression Compatibility Constraints, Type Compatibility Constraints, Subtyping Constraints, Type Equality Constraints, Checked Exception Constraints. The Incorporation section has the following sub-sections: Complementary Pairs of Bounds, Bounds Involving Capture Conversion. The Uses of Inference section has the following sub-sections: Invocation Applicability Inference, Invocation Type Inference, Functional Interface Parameterization Inference, More Specific Method Inference. The xx sub-section has the following sub-sub-sections: Poly Method Invocation Compatibility, Additional Argument Constraints.

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The transhumanistic Asian-American man who publicly promotes and advances AI, robotics, human body biotech, and mass-scale outer space tech.