Arteries of the human body (part 4)
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Suprarenal has Middle suprarenal.
Renal has Inferior suprarenal, Ureteral.
Gonadal has Testicular artery, Ovarian artery.
Lumbar has Lumbar arteries.
Inferior mesenteric has Left colic (Marginal), Sigmoid, Superior rectal.
Common iliac has Internal iliac, External iliac.
Internal iliac has Posterior surface, Anterior surface.
Posterior surface has Iliolumbar, which has Lumbar branch, Iliac branch.
(Early-plugs insertion point. A few seconds of silence in audiovisual.)
Anterior surface has Superior vesical artery, Obturator, Middle rectal, Uterine, Vaginal (for women) and Inferior vesical (for men), Inferior gluteal, and Internal pudendal.
Superior vesical artery has Umbilical artery (Medial umbilical ligament), artery to ductus deferens.
Obturator has Anterior branch (Pubic branch), Posterior branch (Acetabular branch, Cruciate anastomosis), Corona mortis.
Middle rectal has Vaginal branch (for women) and Prostatic branch (for men).
Uterine (for women) has Arcuate, Vaginal branches, Ovarian branches, Tubal branches, Spiral.
Inferior gluteal has Accompanying of sciatic nerve, Cruciate anastomosis.
Internal pudendal has Inferior rectal, Perineal (posterior scrotal, posterior labial), Bulb of penis and vestibule, Urethral, Deep artery of the penis (helicine), Deep artery of clitoris, Dorsal of the penis, Dorsal of the clitoris.
External iliac has Inferior epigastric (Corona mortis), Deep circumflex iliac, Femoral (arteries of lower limbs).
Median sacral